
Welcome to University of Surrey

Start hiring top graduate talent now

Registering your organisation with us provides many benefits. For example you'll be able to:

  • Enhance your organisation's profile and visibility within the Institution community.
  • Advertise suitable job, internship and volunteering jobs on our online vacancy board.

Please read our Organisation Registration Policy before completing this form.

If you already have an account, click here to sign in.

Your details

To get your account created we need to know how to contact you. Your contact preferences can be updated in your profile at any time.

To help us verify your account please supply a company email address where possible.
Your organisation details

Add the details of the organisation you would like to register.

Are you a recruitment agency? *

If your company/charity operates outside the UK or does not require a registration number (e.g. sole traders) then select 'Other'.
Your public profile

Tell candidates more about your organisation. This profile will be published as part of your job advertisement.

An overview to give candidates an understanding of your organisation. Explain what your organisation does, describe its culture and values, tell candidates what equality and diversity mean to you.

2000 characters max, 0 characters min
What is the main sector your organisation operates in? This will allow us to match your organisation and roles with relevant students and graduates looking to work in your sector.
Add other business areas to match your profile to the right candidates (Select up to 4).
Skilled Worker Visas

You can find more information on recruiting international students in this guide.

If you are not sure, choose "no”.

org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelParseException: Expression [@templateBO.renderText(Skilled Worker Visas

You can find more information on recruiting international students in this guide.

If you are not sure, choose "no”.

, basicTemplateModel, true)] @395: EL1045E: Cannot find terminating " for string
Please make sure you have read our Organisation Registration Policy before submitting this form.
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelParseException: Expression [@templateBO.renderText(Please make sure you have read our Organisation Registration Policy before submitting this form., basicTemplateModel, true)] @30: EL1043E: Unexpected token. Expected 'rparen())' but was 'identifier'

  Or, drag your logo here

Size of the logo must not exceed 292 KB

Square images work best, as the image will be re-sized automatically on the pages it appears on.